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2022年09月19日 09:27      浏览:






1. 专业定位     

坚持建设特色鲜明的高水平应用型大学的办学定位,以与新西兰林肯大学联合培养 3+2 本硕连读的方式,围绕岭南特色食品产教融合,培养服务大湾区、广东乡村振兴和食品产业高质量发展、具有国际化视野的高素质应用型人才,建设特色鲜明、传承红色基因、国内一流的新工科专业。    

2. 培养目标     

培养适应社会、经济、科学技术发展需要,知识、能力、素质协调发展,具备食品科学与工程领域的基础知识、基本理论和基本技能,具有一定的创新意识和文化底蕴、较强的社会责任心、较高的道德水 平和良好的个性心理,能够在食品的生产、加工、流通及与食品科学 与工程有关的教育、研究、进出口、卫生监督、安全管理等部门,从事食品或相关产品的科学研究、技术开发、工程设计、生产管理、品质控制、产品销售、检验检疫、教育教学等方面工作的工程技术人才。同时,在培养广泛扎实的专业能力且注重培养较高的综合素养,比如组织管理、传播沟通、企业管理、法律服务、较高的英语水平等知识,以此为致力于研究成果转化和推广、解决农业工业化和城镇化中的实际问题、提高国际竞争力,成为德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。    

3. 培养规格     










7)能够理解和评价针对复杂食品工程问题的工程实践对环境、 社会可持续发展的影响。    



10)能够就复杂食品工程问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效 沟通和交流,包括撰写报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达或回应 指令。并具备一定的国际视野,能够在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。    



4. 课程体系       

本专业课程体系由通识课程、学科基础课程、专业课程和实践教 学环节四部分构成;核心课程包括:食品生物化学、食品微生物学、 食品化学、食品工程原理、食品分析、食品工程原理、食品工艺学、食品机械与设备;实践教学环节包括劳动课、服务三农社会实践、专题教学(讲座、交流、研究进展)、认知实习、生产实习以及在新西兰进行语言训练等。    

5. 师资队伍       

本专业现有教师 21 人,其中教授 5人、副教授 15 人、博士生导师 5 人,硕士导师 13 人; 教师中具有博士学位的占 95%,毕业于国内外知名大学食品科学与工程相关专业。45 岁以下中青年骨干教师占 80%。拥有食品农业农村部全国农业科研果蔬加工创新团队带头人、国家现代农业产业技术体系岗位科学家、全国农业科研杰出人才,国务院政府特殊津贴专家、广东省丁颖科技奖、广东省农业科技创新带头人 1 人,南粤优秀教师 1 人,省级千百十人才 1 人,广东省优秀青年教师培养计划 1 人,拥有中国食品学会理事 2 人、 入选中德青年农业实用人才能力建设项目人、仲恺农业工程学院十佳青年教师人、广东省各级学会(协会)理事 4 人以上。    

6. 教学条件       


学校图书馆藏书 124.8 万册,电子图书 4.16 万种,各种类型数字资源库 43 个。在白云校区何鸿燊实验大楼 B 栋设置有食品工艺实验室、微生物实验室、食品分析实验室、食品生物化学实验室、中试基地、食品加工创新实验室等,实验室在持续建设和提升,专业所属白云校区新教学楼 10 栋也在规划建设中,实验条件在不断改善和提高;拥有 80 多个实践教学基地,实行双导师教学,形成了校企协同培养人才的机制;通过成立专业兴趣小组,打造兴趣引导、创新驱动专业人才培养模式。  









2009 年被教育部评为本科教学工作水平评估优秀;2010 年获批食品科学与工程国家级特色专业;食品科学与工程专业获 2019 年度广东省级一流本科专业建设点立项。专业所属学科是省级重点学科,省强特色学科和珠江学者设岗学科,拥有食品科学与工程一级学科硕士授权点,农产品加工与贮藏、食品科学、粮油与蛋白质工程三个二级学科硕士授权点,并拥有食品加工与安全农业推广专业硕士学位授予权。    

专业注重科研促进教学,拥有农业农村部岭南特色食品绿色加工与智能制造重点实验室、广东省岭南特色食品科学与技术重点实验室、 广东省香精香料(仲恺)工程技术研究中心、岭南特色食品工程技术研究中心、广式传统食品加工与安全控制重点实验室等部、省和市级科研平台。    




     Food Science and Engineering    

(International Class)  

1 Basic information of the major  

1.1 Positioning of the major  

Adhere to the orientation of building a high-level application-oriented university with distinctive characteristics, it aims to cultivate high-quality application-oriented person with abilities for serving the Greater Bay Area, rural revitalization of Guangdong and high-quality development of the food industry, centering on the "integration of industry and education" of Lingnan specialty food in the way of "jointly training 3+2 postgraduate students with Lincoln University of New Zealand", thereby constructing domestic first-class new engineering major with distinctive characteristics, inheriting the "red gene".      

1.2 Training objectives    

Cultivate engineering and technical person with abilities that meet the needs of social, economic, and scientific and technological development, coordinate the development of knowledge, ability, and quality, possess basic knowledge, theories and skills in the field of food science and engineering, have a certain sense of innovation and cultural heritage, a strong sense of social responsibility, and the high moral level and good personality psychology, have the ability to engage in the science of food or related products in food production, processing, circulation, and food science and engineering related education, research, import and export, health supervision, safety management and other departments research, technology development, engineering design, production management, quality control, product sales, inspection and quarantine, education and teaching, etc.    

1.3 Culture specifications    

Duration: four years (3 years at in Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, and 1 year at Lincoln University in New Zealand. Tips: can be enrolled in a postgraduate programme in Lincoln University if qualified.)    

Minimum graduation credits: 173.5    

Graduation requirements:    

a. Be able to use mathematics, natural sciences, engineering foundations and professional knowledge to solve complex food engineering problems.    

b. Be able to apply the basic principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences to identify, express, and analyze complex engineering problems through literature research to obtain effective conclusions.    

c. Be able to design solutions to complex engineering problems, design systems, units (components) or process flows that meet specific needs, and be able to reflect innovative ideas in the design process, taking into account social, health, safety, legal, cultural, and environmental factors.    

d. Be able to study complex food engineering problems based on scientific principles and using scientific methods, including designing experiments, analyzing and interpreting data, and obtaining reasonable and effective conclusions through information synthesis.    

e. In the activities of solving complex food engineering problems, have the ability to develop, select and use appropriate technologies, resources, modern engineering tools and information tools for engineering practice, including predicting and simulating complex food engineering problems, being able to correctly speculate and understand its limitations.    

f. Be able to conduct reasonable analysis based on the background knowledge of food engineering, evaluate the impact of food engineering professional engineering practices and complex engineering problem solutions on society, health, safety, law, and culture, and understand the responsibilities that should be undertaken.    

g. Be able to understand and evaluate the impact of engineering practices aimed at complex food engineering issues on the environment and the sustainable development of society.    

h. Have humanities and social science literacy, a sense of social responsibility, be able to understand and abide by the professional ethics and regulations of food engineering in engineering practice, and perform responsibilities.    

i. Be able to assume the roles of individuals, team members and leaders in a team with a multidisciplinary background.    

j. Be able to effectively communicate and communicate with industry colleagues and the public on complex food engineering issues, including writing reports and design manuscripts, making statements, expressing clearly or responding to instructions. And have a certain international perspective, able to communicate and exchange in a cross-cultural context.    

k. Understand and master the management principles and economic decision-making methods involved in food engineering, and be able to apply them in a multi-disciplinary environment.    

l. Have the consciousness of independent learning and lifelong learning, and have the ability to continuously learn and adapt to development.    

1.4 Curriculum structure    

The major’s curriculum system consists of four parts: general education courses, discipline basic courses, professional courses and practical teaching; core courses include: food biochemistry, food microbiology, food chemistry, food engineering principles, food analysis, food engineering principles, food technology, food machinery and equipment; practical teaching include labor course, social practice of serving agriculture, rural areas and farmers, project practice (lecture, seminar, research development), cognitive practice, productive practice, and language training in New Zealand.    

1.5 Faculty    

There are currently 21 teachers in this major, including 5 professors, 15 associate professors, 4 doctoral tutors, and 12 master tutors. And 90% of the teachers have a doctorate degree, and they graduated from food science and engineering related majors in well-known universities at home and abroad. Young and middle-aged backbone teachers under 45 account for 70%. It has the leader of the "National Agricultural Scientific Research Fruit and Vegetable Processing Innovation Team" of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the post scientist of the national modern agricultural industrial technology system, the national outstanding agricultural scientific research talent. And a teacher is an expert on special government allowances from the State Council, a leader in agricultural science and technology innovation in Guangdong Province, and won the Ding Ying Science and Technology Award of Guangdong Province. Another one outstanding teacher in Southern Guangdong, one teacher is the Provincial Thousand Hundreds and Ten Talents, one teacher belongs to the outstanding young teacher training plan of Guangdong Province,  one teacher accepted by the Sino-German Exchange Program for Young Experts in the Agricultural Sector (AEP)., one teacher awarded the TOP 10 teacher in university, meanwhile, there are two directors of the Chinese Institute of Food Science and more than four directors of various societies (associations) in Guangdong Province.    

1.6 Teaching conditions    

The school library has a collection of 1.248 million books, 41,600 e-books, and 43 digital resource libraries of various types. This major has a food technology laboratory, a microbiology laboratory, a food analysis laboratory, a food biochemistry laboratory, a pilot test base, and a food processing innovation laboratory in Building B of the He Hongshen Experimental Building on the Baiyun campus. And the laboratory is under continuous construction and improvement, the new teaching building No.10 which belong to the major on the Baiyun campus is also under planning and construction, and the experimental conditions are also constantly improving and improving. There are more than 80 practical teaching bases, and the implementation of "dual tutor" teaching has formed a mechanism for school-enterprise collaborative training of talents. Through the establishment of professional interest groups, a professional talent training model of "interest-oriented and innovation-driven" is created.  

This major provides a number of off-campus practice teaching bases such as Guangzhou Restaurant, Guangzhou Miniking Food Co., Ltd., Guangdong Zhenbao Industrial Co., Ltd., and build a collaborative education bases for the high-quality teaching of cognitive practice, production practice and other practice activity.

This major employs numbers of enterprise instructors for professional teaching, including practical teaching, students' practice and graduation thesis (design).

1.7 Teaching outcomes

In terms of teaching, this major focuses on cultivating high-quality applied students with international perspectives. The teaching team won the second prize of the 2021 school-level teaching achievement award. Two teachers won the second prize of teaching quality in 2020, and one teacher won the third prize of the annual teaching quality in 2021.

In terms of cultivating students, in the past five years, teachers of this major have guided students to participate in national and provincial discipline competitions and innovation and entrepreneurship competitions and have won more than 20 awards, including winning the 8th "Win in Guangzhou" and the "Project Innovation Award" of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area College Student Entrepreneurship Competition in 2019, the Bronze Award of 2020 "Challenge Cup" Guangdong College Student Entrepreneurship Competition, and the 2021 "Three Squirrels Cup" snack food innovation competition first prize, the first prize of 2021 Guangdong Province Biochemical Skills Competition, Bronze Award of 2022 "Internet +" College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Guangdong Province etc. Students presided over the innovation and entrepreneurship training projects for college students. A total of 10 national-level projects, 21 provincial-level projects, and more than 50 school-level projects have been established. "Climbing Plan" has 3 special fund projects for scientific and technological innovation and cultivation of Guangdong college students and has guided students to apply for more than 20 patents, more than 10 of which have been authorized.

2 Other important information related to the major    

In 2009, this major was rated as excellent in the evaluation of undergraduate teaching work by the Ministry of Education. In 2010, it has approved as a national characteristic major in food science and engineering. In 2019, it has approved as a provincial-level first-class undergraduate major construction project in Guangdong. The subject of the major is a provincial key subject, a provincial "strong characteristic" subject and a post-appointment subject for Zhujiang scholars. It has the first-level master degree authorization points of food science and engineering, and the three second-level master authorization points of agricultural product processing and storage, food science, and grain oil and protein engineering, and has the right to grant a master's degree in food processing and safe agricultural extension.    

This major focuses on scientific research to promote teaching, and has the Key Laboratory of Green Processing and Intelligent Manufacturing of Lingnan Special Food of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Key Laboratory of Guangdong Lingnan Special Food Science and Technology, Guangdong Flavor and Fragrance (Zhongkai) Engineering Technology Research Center, and ministry, provincial and municipal scientific research platforms such as Lingnan Characteristic Food Engineering Technology Research Center, Cantonese Traditional Food Processing and Safety Control Key Laboratory.    

The partner institution is Lincoln University of New Zealand, which provides comprehensive academic courses in the field of food science from undergraduate, master to Ph.D. It enjoys a reputation in New Zealand and the world, especially in the grape growing and winemaking industries. Meanwhile, Lincoln University has advanced experimental conditions, and has achieved fruitful academic results in research fields such as biological breeding, green and efficient cultivation, green prevention and control, biological sciences, and agricultural big data.    





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